Monday, July 10, 2006

Verizon Class-Action Questions

I received the following message from the owner of an insurance agency in Cincinnati who is outraged at Verizon's decision to pull out of the market.

He's looking to join forces with other disgruntled advertisers.

So who's to blame when a directory publisher abandons a market?

As the Internet continues drawing the local users away from print, there are likely to be more directories dropped in the future.

Original note:
Dick, I found your blog and was quite interested. I run a small business in Cincinnati and am one of many who were swindled by Verizon. I placed a full page ad in the Insurance category of both the Cincinnati and one of the county directory pages. I am currently in litigation with them. Do you know of any others in the same position, or of any class action attempts from the pull out of markets by Verizon?

If you know of anyone who feels similarly burned, please contact me and I will put you in touch with the folks in Cincinnati.


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